Island is produced by Mr. Zhou Xiao Wen, an active sound designer based in Shanghai, China, who specialized in computer game sound design, production include 《XCOM:Enemy Within》, National Hockey League》,《Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster》etc.
These sound effects are mainly recorded in Zhoushan Islands in east China sea, and Huangpu river, Chongming island in Shanghai, illustrating different types of wave hit the beach, cliff, reef, grass and boat, recorded in various microphone distance in four seasons, some calm, some furious. It also included some ambience background of the dock and market near it.
In the real world, wave can have different amplitude, frequency, direction and phase, these are recorded as much as possible, in order to make these sound effect be easily embedded into post production work, arrangement is considered during editing.
– Wave hit the beach, cliff, reef, grass and boat, recorded in various microphone distance
– Human ambience of the dock and market
– 24bit/96kHz wav file, total 121 pieces, 10G disk space required