(372 files, 12.69G)
All the sound textures what are not easily grouped, are stored here. Like paper cups, dry ice, chimes , fire, metal pieces and bricks. There are 3 sub-folders what contains very special sounds:
* Air spray: it’s suppressed air on different surfaces and which created fresh sounds. Sanken CO100 mic are used(the left track). And then you can widely pitch them down for getting air movement for special FX or else.
* Paper Bags: blowing paper bags and boom it by hands punching. It can be widely pitch down or upper since it’s recorded with CO100 at 192kHz. The explosion can be mixed with the air spray sounds above if you need some pure air movement sound or pure sonic behavior in air.
* Paper Traditional Types: Sort of papers which are made with ancient methods and materials. Not easy to capture the unique sonic form from those paper. Digimonk left 96kHz with his own taste and also the 192kHz data from raw recording. It’s also recorded with the CO100 mic. So, please freely try your way to play the sounds.